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A Proven Record of Success and Stewardship

Encouraging D220 to sell the Woodlands School to the Boys & Girls Club for the new Impact Center.

Zero increase to Village Tax Levy at any time in last 8 years.

Abated (did not levy) $20 Million in taxes in 2025 for debt services through good fiscal management.

Repealed a divisive “English-only” ordinance that was divisive and hurtful promoting unity in our Village.

Many streets that formerly flooded at the slightest rain have now been repaired for adequate stormwater operation.

New events in town like the Winter Parade, Fall Fest and Fiestapalooza have become annual fixtures.

Riverfront Park land purchased. Park under construction through 2025.

New land annexed west of Randall Rd. along Huntley blacktop will add new residents all the way to Galligan Rd.

New residential development slated for 2025 near the corner of Randall & Huntley Roads.

Encouraging D220 to sell the Woodlands School to the Boys & Girls Club for the new Impact Center.

Zero increase to Village Tax Levy at any time in last 8 years.

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